ACA Bylaws


The name of the association shall be the Alberta Chess Association. 

The official address of the Alberta Chess Association shall be within the Province of Alberta, Canada, and shall be at such a place as approved by the Alberta Chess Association’s current Board of Directors. 

The objectives of the Alberta Chess Association shall be: 
(a) To foster, promote, administer and coordinate chess activities in Alberta. 
(b) To give guidance to any group wishing to form a chess club in the province and to help maintain existing clubs. 
(c) To give direct assistance to junior chess, recognizing a need for special assistance. 
(d) To host specific Sponsored Events to give continuity to chess in Alberta. 
(e) To represent the Alberta chess community to the Chess Federation of Canada, local government and other associations. 

Membership in the Alberta Chess Association is open to any individual who pays the current membership fee, as established by the Alberta Chess Association, and abides by the Bylaws of the Alberta Chess Association. 

The activities, assets and direction of the Alberta Chess Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors which shall be elected by the Alberta Chess Association’s membership in accordance with the Bylaws. 



(1) The name of the association shall be the “Alberta Chess Association” (“ACA ” or “Association” shall hereinafter be synonymous with “Alberta Chess Association”).

(2) “Board of Directors” and “Board” shall mean all Officers/Executive (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary) and Directors-at-large elected by the membership in accordance with the Bylaws, and shall include the Past-President.

(3) “Senior Member”, “Junior Member”, “Participating Member”, “Life Member” and “Tournament ‘Member'” shall each denote a person who meets the requirements set forth in Article II.

(4) “The City of Calgary” is that area within a 20-mile (32-kilometer) distance of the Corporate limits of the City of Calgary.

(5) “The City of Edmonton” is that area within a 20-mile (32-kilometer) distance of the Corporate limits of the City of Edmonton.

(6) “Central Alberta” is that area north of the southern boundary of the City of Calgary and south of the northern boundary of the City of Edmonton.

(7) “Northern Alberta” is that area north of the northern boundary of the City of Edmonton.

(8) “Southern Alberta” is that area south of the southern boundary of the City of Calgary.

(9) The “policies” are the policies as set out in Schedule A of the Bylaws, as amended from time to time. 


Individual membership in the Alberta Chess Association is open to a person who pays the current membership fee, as established by the ACA, and abides by the Bylaws of the Association.

Section 1. Full Membership
Full Membership in the ACA, purchased on a “yearly basis”, shall be available in two categories, “Senior” and “Junior” (for those under 18 years of age). Members in Good Standing (see Article II, Section 6) are entitled to: full voting privileges (individual Alberta residents only); receive the Association’s newsletter; participate in ACA-sanctioned events. 

Section 2. Participating Membership
Open only to those under 18 years of age. Members in good standing are entitled to the privileges of a Junior Member (Article II, Section 1), except they do not receive the Association’s newsletter. 

Section 3. Life Membership
Any individual is eligible to become a Life Member upon payment of a single contribution of the current Life Membership fee. Life Members in good standing are entitled to all privileges of a full member.

Section 4. Honorary Life Membership
Once each calendar year, the ACA may name one person to be an Honorary Life Member (this award must be approved by the Board of Directors). The ACA will pay the Life Membership fee into the Life Membership Fund. If possible, the Honorary Life Membership is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting before the general membership. Honorary Life Members in good standing are entitled to all the privileges of a Life Member. (Honorary Life Membership shall automatically be granted to those who meet the Honorary Life Membership requirements of the Chess Federation of Canada.) 

Section 5. Tournament “Members”
A Tournament “Membership” is available only to an individual playing in his or her first rated tournament, and is valid only for the duration of the tournament. A Tournament “Member” shall receive a copy of the next Association newsletter, but is not entitled to any other privileges. 

Section 6. Good Standing
(1) Except as set out in this section, any person who has met the membership requirements of the ACA is a Member in Good Standing. 
(2) Upon receipt of a complaint in writing concerning the conduct of a Member, or upon the motion of a member of the Board of Directors duly seconded and specifically alleging conduct to be investigated, the Chairman of the Conduct Committee shall forthwith forward a copy of that complaint or that motion by double registered mail to the Member whose conduct is impugned at his last known address; but the Chairman may telephone the member and read the complaint or motion to the member and such a telephone call shall be deemed to be proper notice for the purpose of section 6(3). 
(3) The Member shall respond in writing to the complaint or motion within 7 days of its receipt. 
(4) Upon receipt of the Member’s response, the Chairman may, in his or her sole and unfettered discretion, direct that no action be taken; or, if the member does not respond as required herein or if he or she is of the opinion that the complaint may disclose a breach of these Bylaws or the policies referred to herein, the Chairman may refer the matter to be heard by the Conduct Committee. 
(5) The complainant and the Member shall appear in person before the Conduct Committee to hear the complaint. The rules of evidence shall not apply and the Chairman in his or her sole discretion shall be master of the procedure to be followed before the Committee.
(6) If the Committee, by majority vote (the Chairman to cast the tie-breaking vote) finds that there has been a breach of these Bylaws or the policies referred to herein, it may: (a) reprimand the member; (b) suspend the member for such period of time as it deems appropriate, setting out in writing the period of suspension; (c) place the member on probation for such period of time as it deems appropriate, setting out in writing the conditions of such probation; (d) expel the member, and the Committee may, but shall not be obliged to, give written reasons for any finding or determination made under this section. 
(7) The decision of the Conduct Committee shall be final and binding and no appeal or action in the nature of certiorari shall lie from any finding or determination made under this section.

Section 7. Withdrawal from Membership
Any Member may withdraw from the Association by submitting the intent to withdraw, in writing, to the President or the Board of Directors of the ACA. No refund of fees paid will be made for withdrawal. 

Section 8. Liability of Members
No member of the Association is, in an individual capacity, liable for any debt or liability of the Association, except as may be expressly agreed in writing by that member or except in the case of Fraud. 


Section 1. Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting (hereinafter also referred to as “AGM”) shall normally be held on the Thanksgiving day long weekend of each year (usually at the site of the Alberta Open Chess Championship). Notification of the date and location shall be given to all Members at least 21 clear days prior to the AGM. Publication of this notice in the Association’s newsletter sent by ordinary mail to all members at least 21 clear days before the AGM shall be deemed to be sufficient notice under this section. 
(b) The Order of Business at the AGM shall be: 
(1) Call to Order and introduction of Officers — President; 
(2) Reading of the Minutes of the last AGM — Secretary; 
(3) President’s Address — President; 
(4) Financial Report and Statement — Treasurer; 
(5) Planning Committee Report — President; . 
(6) Presentation and Discussion of Plan — membership; 
(7) Amendments to Bylaws — Past President; 
(8) Other Business; 
(9) Election of Officers and Directors; 
(10) Adjournment. 

Section 2. Special General Meetings
The Board of Directors shall be empowered to call a Special General Meeting of the Association to consider one or more Special Resolutions, attempting to give at least 21 days’ notice to the membership. A resolution proposed for and passed at a Special General Meeting shall be known as a “Special Resolution”, and shall be considered passed if approved by not less than 75% of the Members present (if 21 days’ notice of the resolution has been given), or if approved by all Members present (if less than 21 days’ notice of the resolution has been given). Publication of a special resolution in the Association’s newsletter sent by ordinary mail to all members at least 21 clear days before the proposed Special General Meeting shall be deemed to be sufficient notice under this section.

Section 3. Meetings of the Board
(a) The Board of Directors of the Association shall meet at least twice per year outside the Annual General Meeting. 
(b) Members of the Board shall receive at least fourteen (14) days clear notice, in writing or by phone, of the date, time and location of these meetings; and the written statement of the President, the Secretary or their designate that notice was sent by ordinary mail, or given by telephone as set out above shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of proper notice. 
(c) The general business of the Board of Directors’ meetings shall be the preparation, execution and evaluation of short- and long-term plans of the Association. Any Member in Good Standing shall have the right to present projects, in writing, for evaluation at these meetings. Such projects must be presented to the President or Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The presenter of a project is entitled to be present during discussion of that project. 
(d) The President may call an emergency meeting of the Board on one clear day’s notice by telephone as set out in (b) above. 
(e) The Board may meet in person or by telephone conference call. 


(a) The Quorum at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings shall be not less than ten (10) members, not including Officers and Directors. 
(b) The quorum at Board of Directors’ Meetings shall be not less than six (6) Board members, including at least two of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary. 
(c) If after thirty (30) minutes of the proposed time of commencement of the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be cancelled. 


(a) Each individual Member in Good Standing shall have one vote. This applies to Alberta residents only. 
(b) Voting shall be done by a show of hands unless more than two (2) members demand a secret ballot on a specific issue.
(c) The chairman of the meeting, or person(s) designated by the chairman, shall count the votes. 
(d) Voting by proxy is not allowed. 


(a) The activities, assets and direction of the Alberta Chess Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors which shall be elected by the Alberta Chess Association’s membership in accordance with the Bylaws. 
(b) The Province of Alberta shall be divided into five regions, namely City of Calgary, City of Edmonton, Southern Alberta, Central Alberta and Northern Alberta. At any one time a minimum of three of the regions shall have a member representing them on the Board of Directors. 
(c) No Director shall receive any remuneration or honorarium for the performance of his or her duties, as described in Article VIII. However, a Director may receive reimbursement for out-ofpocket expenses as expressly authorized herein, and/or may receive remuneration or honorarium for additional activities as set out in the yearly planning document or as authorized by the President or the Board. 
(d) The Conduct Committee shall consist of 5 members, of whom the President shall be the Chairman and cast any tie-breaking vote. The Vice-President and 3 members-at-large (who may be appointed from time to time by the President) shall compose the balance of the Committee. In the event that the conduct of the President or the Vice-President is under question, the Board as a whole shall act as the Conduct Committee and elect its own Chairman. 
(e) No member of the Board may vote on any matter in which he has a direct pecuniary interest (other than setting levels of tournament director and other’ honoraria, as set out in the yearly planning document), or on any matter in which his individual conduct as a player or Tournament Director is directly or indirectly called into question, or on any matter in respect of which he or she is or may be required to give evidence before the Conduct Committee; but if subsequent to a vote it is ascertained that a member has so voted, his or her vote shall not be avoided except under motion duly made at the next meeting of the Board after the discovery of the improper vote. The decision of the Chairman as to eligibility to vote on a given question shall be final and binding on all members of the Board, subject to a complaint to the Conduct Committee.


Section 1. Procedures for Election
(a) At every Annual General Meeting, those voting members present shall elect new Board members, who must be Members in Good Standing, to fill any vacancies that have occurred.
(b) The elected Board members shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting.
(c) Nominations may be made prior to the meeting, in writing, to the President or Secretary, or from the floor. Nominations must be seconded. All persons nominated must be Members of the Association and in Good Standing.
(d) If there are no nominations forthcoming for a certain position, the retiring Board member will be asked to assume the position for another year. If that is not possible, the Board may appoint some member of the Association to the office at a later date. 
(e) There shall be a separate election for each vacant position (for Officers) and the first candidate to receive a majority of votes cast shall be elected. On each ballot only the candidate with the least votes will be eliminated if no candidate has a majority of votes. For Directors-at-large, members of the Association may vote for up to as many nominees as there are positions to fill. Positions will be filled from “most-to-least” votes per nominee, with “two-year” positions filled before any “one-year” positions which may have come open. If necessary to break ties, additional voting shall occur to fill the still-vacant positions.
(f) If there is only one candidate for a single position, that candidate will be declared elected by ‘acclamation’. If the number of candidates for Directors-at-large is less than or equal to the number of positions open, the candidates shall be declared elected by ‘acclamation’, though a vote may still be held, if at least one “one-year” term needs to be filled, to determine which nominee fill which positions. 

Section 2. Term of Office
(a) All elected members of the Board serve for a term of two years. In “odd-numbered” years, the terms of the President and the Treasurer, and four Director-at-Large positions expire. In “even-numbered” years, the terms of the Vice-President and the Secretary, and the other four Director-at-Large positions expire. 
(b) Of the four (4) elected Officers (Article VII, Section 2(a)), at least one must be from the “northern half” and one from the “southern half” of the province. The election of Vice-President shall be done last, so this rule only limits that position if all other positions are filled from the “other half” of the province.
(c) The position of Past-President shall be occupied by the most recent President as indicated on or before the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Any position, except President, that is vacated during the term will be filled through appointment by the Board from the Board or from the membership-at-large, or by election at an Annual or Special General Meeting. In the case of death, resignation or expulsion of the President, the Vice-President shall assume that office until the end of its term.


Section 1. President
(a) The President shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Association. The President shall, in cooperation with the Secretary, call and prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Association. The President must chair all meetings of the Association or designate a chairperson.
(b) The President or a designate will be the official representative of the ACA with other associations, agencies and organizations, and their different levels.
(c) The President or a designate shall be the liaison officer of the Association with the different levels of government.
(d) The President of the ACA shall not vote, except in the case of a tied vote. Then the President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
(e) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.
(f) The President shall ensure that all resolutions or orders passed by the membership are carried out. In emergency situations the President has the power to act on behalf of the Association without consent of the Board of Directors. An attempt must be made to have the Directors ratify these actions at the earliest possible opportunity.
(g) It is the duty of the President to oversee the creation and maintenance of the plans of the Association in cooperation with the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Vice-President
(a) It is the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in the performance of duties.
(b) In the case of absence or inability of the President to act, the Vice-President shall assume Presidential responsibilities.

Section 3. Secretary
(a) The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at all meetings of the Association.
(b) It is the duty of the Secretary to see that these minutes are kept up-to-date and circulated to all members of the Board and that minutes of the Annual General Meeting (and Special General Meetings) are submitted to the Registrar of Corporations. The submission must include a listing of the Board of Directors as constituted immediately after the Annual General Meeting.
(c) The Secretary shall have custody of the Minute Books of the Association.
(d) The Secretary shall, in cooperation with the President, be responsible for ensuring that all correspondence of the Association, both incoming and outgoing, is properly filed and promptly answered when it is required.

Section 4. Treasurer
(a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for carrying out the financial matters and keeping the financial records of the Association in order.
(b) The Treasurer shall ensure that the Annual Audit of the Association is carried out after the end of the fiscal year (December 31) and at least two weeks before the deadline for the application for funding (March 1, or as set by Alberta Recreation and Parks). The Treasurer shall be of all possible assistance to the auditors (see also Article IX, Section 2).
(c) The Treasurer shall be prepared at all meetings to present an interim financial statement of the Association and to open the books for inspection by the membership.
(d) The Treasurer shall issue receipts for all moneys received by the Association and deposit the moneys in the account of the Association at a chartered bank or trust company approved by the Board of Directors.
(e) The Treasurer shall pay affiliation fees for the Alberta Chess Association to any body with which it is affiliated. 
(f) The Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that funds are used in accordance with any spending restrictions that are placed upon them by granting or funding agencies or institutions.
(g) The Treasurer shall be responsible for and keep account of all expenditures and revenues received and disbursed and file all bills, receipts and vouchers of the Association.
(h) Notwithstanding the expiry of the term of office of the current Treasurer, that individual is expected to transfer the Association financial records in good order to the new Treasurer, and has the responsibility to ensure that the new Treasurer is properly acquainted with existing procedures. The outgoing Treasurer shall retain these responsibilities even after the expiry of his or her term of office.

Section 5. Past-President
(a) The immediate Past-President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors, and shall be a voting member of the Board.


Section 1.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the financial operation of the Association.

Section 2. The Audit
(a) The Auditor(s) shall sign a document to the effect that they have, to the best of their ability, determined that the annual financial statement of the Association is a true and accurate representation for the fiscal year.
(b) Auditor(s) will be appointed by the Board of Directors. It is sufficient that the audit be conducted by two members of the Association (other than the Treasurer) appointed by the Board.
(c) The audited financial statement, as presented at the previous Annual General Meeting, shall be submitted to the Registrar of Corporations by the Treasurer on receipt of the appropriate documentation from the Registrar. In the absence of such documentation, the statement, plus a listing of the Board of Directors, as constituted after elections at the previous AGM, if not already submitted, shall be submitted in September of the year after the Annual General Meeting.

Section 3. Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year of the Alberta Chess Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 4. Disposal of Funds
(a) All moneys received by or on behalf of the Association shall be deposited in the account of the ACA, which shall be housed in a chartered bank or trust company.
(b) All disbursements shall be made by cheques signed as specified in this Article, Section 5.

Section 5. Signing Authority in the Association
The President, Secretary, Vice-President and Treasurer shall possess signing authority for the Association. The President and Secretary shall be the primary signing officers, but in the absence of either one of these two officers, the other two officers can fulfill this responsibility.


There shall be no requirement for the ACA to possess an official seal. However, if a seal is obtained for the Association, then its custody and use shall be specified by the Board of Directors.


The Directors may, with the approval of a majority of members present at a General Meeting of the Association, borrow funds for the benefit and further development of the Association.


(a) The official address of the Alberta Chess Association shall be within the Province of Alberta, Canada, and shall be at such a place as approved by the Alberta Chess Association’s current Board of Directors.
(b) All meetings of the Association will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
(c) The books and records of the Association shall be opened to inspection by the members of the Board at all meetings.
(d) Ordinary members of the Association must give seven (7) days notice to their desire to examine the books and records of the Association, except at General Meetings, when notice is not required. The requested inspection must be at the convenience of the custodian of the books and records.


(a) Notice of any proposed amendment to the Bylaws must be given to all Members at least 21 clear days prior to the meeting at which the Amendment is to be considered; and publication in an issue of the Association’s newsletter sent by ordinary mail at least 21 days before such meeting to each Member shall be conclusively deemed to be good notice.
(b) Any amendment to the Bylaws must be in the form of a ‘Special Resolution’, which must be passed by 75% of the eligible voters at a meeting.
(c) A ‘Special Resolution’ may be proposed by the President or by any member of the Board of Directors, or shall be proposed by the President on receipt of a written request stating the proposed amendment and signed by at least 10 members in good standing.
(d) Following the adoption of such a resolution, the Association must notify the Registrar of Corporations of the amendment within twenty-one (21) days.
(e) Minor changes (not altering in any way the meaning of text) shall be permitted without the need for a special resolution to amend the Bylaws. These changes shall include: capitalization; correcting spelling and numbering; altering text to remove gender specificity; change in name of a group, organization, government department, or publication; minor rewording to ensure consistency in the Bylaws. Notwithstanding this clause, changes prohibited by regulations of the Registrar of Corporations shall not be allowed.


Upon the dissolution of the ACA and after payment of all debts and liabilities, the remaining assets of the ACA shall be distributed among similar non-profit amateur sport associations within the province or to some charitable organization.


Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the Association shall be governed in its proceedings by the most recent edition and/or revision of Robert’s Rules of Order. 

SCHEDULE A – ACA POLICIES (October 8, 1989)

Section 1. Sponsored Events

(a) The following events are designated sponsored events of the Alberta Chess Association (ACA):
(1) Alberta Closed Championship and concurrent open event;
(2) Alberta Open Championship;
(3) Alberta Junior Closed Championship;
(4) Alberta Cadet Closed Championship;
(5) Southern Alberta Open Championship;
(6) Northern Alberta Open Championship;
(7) Alberta Over/Under 1800 Championship;
(8) Alberta Women’s Championship;
(9) Such other events as may be designated by resolution of the Board, or by its duly appointed Planning Committee.

(b) Given adequate financial resources, the ACA shall pay reasonable sums in respect of sponsored events, including:
(1) Tournament director honoraria (except in exceptional circumstances, payable to non-playing tournament directors only);
(2) Duplicating and mailing costs of promotional bulletin;
(3) Hall rental;
(4) Paper supplies;
(5) Trophies and engraving of trophies;
(6) Such other reasonable expenses as authorized by the President, the Board, or by a duly appointed individual.

(c) Given adequate financial resources, the closed provincial championships (Alberta Closed, Junior and Cadet Closed [and, at the ACA’s discretion, junior and cadet qualifiers], and the “Women’s Championship”) shall be further supported by:
(1) Contribution to the prize fund (optional);
(2) Winner’s plane fare to the respective Canadian Closed Championship, when held;
(3) Travel grant to out-of-town players;
(4) Rating fees paid by the ACA.

(d) Organizers of sponsored events shall ensure that all other costs are handled by the entry fees for the event and/or by other funding.

(e) For any closed sponsored events, organizers shall ensure that at least one alternate has been invited and has confirmed attendance, in the event that a player who has accepted the invitation to play is unable to do so; and, unless expressly authorized otherwise by Resolution of the Board, invitations to alternates shall be made in order of the latest CFC rating as published in En Passant or the Northern, or their successors, or as printed in the CFC membership list.

Section 2. Rated Events
(a) All players in Chess Federation of Canada (CFC) rated events must be members of the ACA and the CFC.
(b) Players in non-rated events or non-rated sections of rated events are not required to join the ACA or the CFC. The ACA recognizes the need for players to be able to participate in events at a low cost to get an introduction to competitive chess.

Section 3. Clubs
(a) Chess clubs around the province will be supported through publicity in the Association’s newsletter.
(b) In general, clubs should be self-supporting. The ACA may provide grants to clubs as the need arises and/or as specified in the yearly planning document. If a cash grant is given to a club, a full report may be required on the spending of the funds.

Section 4. Junior organizations
(a) The ACA recognizes that Junior Chess organizations need more assistance than do regular clubs.
(b) Grants will be given to junior organizations after considering:
(1) The accomplishments of that organization in past years;
(2) The proposed budget for the next year.
(c) The Board may from time to time enter into contracts with individuals to promote junior chess in Alberta or any region of Alberta. 
(d) The Board may by Resolution expressly authorize the waiver of membership fees for players in any junior event.

Section 5. Individual Membership Fees
The types of individual memberships are listed below. The fees charged may be changed by resolution of the Board or by resolution at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. Commencing November 1, 1989, these shall be (“year” is a period of 12 months, not necessarily a calendar year):
Type                                          Per Year ($) 
Senior Member                               5.00 
Junior Member                                3.00 
Participating Member                     1.00 
Tournament “Member”                   1.00 
Life Member                     (prorated like CFC method)

Section 6. Code of Conduct
(a) All members, whether players, spectators, or tournament directors, shall at all times exhibit good sportsmanship; an alleged departure from “good sportsmanship” shall be grounds for complaint to the Conduct Committee and the decision of the Conduct Committee in its sole discretion will be final and binding as to the meaning of the term “good sportsmanship” in any individual case. 
(b) The bylaws and policies of the Chess Federation of Canada or its successor shall apply in any case not expressly dealt with in these bylaws and policies; but in event of a conflict, the within bylaws and policies shall govern unless jurisdiction is expressly vested in the Chess Federation of Canada or its successor.

Section 7. Financial Management
(a) Inventory shall be taken at least once a year and on December 31st of each year.
(b) Monthly bank reconciliation’s should be performed.
(c) The accounting system shall include:
(1) Inventory/sales/purchase records for books and supplies;
(2) Matching of cheque stubs with back-up to expenditures;
(3) Detailing of all receipts;
(4) A cash record of: current balance; receipts (referenced to bank deposit dates), disbursements (referenced to cheque numbers). 
(d) All disbursements shall be made as specified in Article IX, Section 5. 
(e) The Board may hire a qualified person to perform the above function.
(f) The Board may by Resolution from time to time adopt a schedule in respect of out-of-pocket reimbursement and the procedure for obtaining it.
(g) The Treasurer’s Report to the Annual General Meeting shall be published in the next regular issue of the Association’s newsletter. The article should include a summary of the Financial Statement, but need not include the entire statement.

Section 8. Alberta Chess Report
The Association’s newsletter shall be published on a regular basis as resolved from time to time by the Board.

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